Supported objects

Sequin supports all custom NetSuite objects, as well as all custom NetSuite fields.

Sequin also supports the following standard NetSuite objects:

Communication Records

Collection NameReadWrite
Phone Call

Entity Records

Collection NameReadWrite
Contact Category
Contact Role
Vendor Category

List Records

Collection NameReadWrite
Unit of Measure

ERP Records

Collection NameReadWrite
Accounting Period
Advanced Intercompany Journal Entry
Bin Transfer
Cost Category
Customer Category
Customer Deposit
Customer Payment
Customer Refund
Customer Subsidiary Relationship
Deposit Application
Description Item
Discount Item
Expense Category
Expense Report
Fulfillment Request
Inbound Shipment
Intercompany Journal Entry
Intercompany Transfer Order
Inventory Adjustment
Inventory Cost Revaluation
Inventory Count
Inventory Item
Inventory Number
Inventory Transfer
Item Fulfillment
Item Group
Item Receipt
Job Status
Job Type
Journal Entry
Kit Item
Non-Inventory Purchase Items
Non-Inventory Sale Item
Non-Inventory Resale Item
Other Charge for Purchase Item
Other Charge for Resale Item
Other Name
Other Name Category
Payment Item
Project Task
Purchase Order
Sales Tax Item
Service Purchase Item
Service Resale Item
Service Sale Item
Ship Item
Statistical Journal Entry
Subtotal Item
Tax Type
Time Bill (Track Time)
Transfer Order
Vendor Bill
Vendor Credit
Vendor Prepayment
Vendor Prepayment Application
Vendor Return Authorization
Vendor Subsidiary Relationship

Marketing Records

Collection NameReadWrite
Email Template

SuiteBilling Records

Collection NameReadWrite
Assembly Item
Billing Account
Billing Schedule
Change Order
Price Book
Price Plan
Pricing Group
Subscription Line
Subscription Plan
Subscription Term

Pricing Records

Collection NameReadWrite
Cash Refund
Cash Sale
Consolidated Exchange Rate
Credit Card Charge
Credit Card Refund
Credit Memo
Markup Item

Want a NetSuite object we’re not syncing? We can add it fast. Send us a note.

Setup & installation

Enable the OAuth 2.0 feature

First, you must ensure that OAuth 2.0 is enabled for your NetSuite account:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.
  2. Click the SuiteCloud sub-tab.
  3. In the SuiteScript section, check both Client SuiteScript and Server SuiteScript.
  4. In the Manage Authentication section, check the OAuth 2.0 box.
  5. Click Save.

Setup OAuth 2.0 roles

Next, you’ll need to setup a NetSuite user with OAuth 2.0 permissions. This will be the OAuth user that you use when connecting Sequin to your NetSuite account.

First, create or customize a role with OAuth 2.0 permissions:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
  2. Select a role to customize and add OAuth 2.0 permissions.
Only administrators can create new roles or modify existing ones to add OAuth 2.0 permissions.

Then, assign the role to a user:

  1. Go to the user entity record (Lists > Employees > Employees for employees; List > Relationships for customers, partners, or vendors).
  2. Edit the user and go to the Access tab.
  3. On the Roles sub-tab, select the role you previously assigned OAuth 2.0 permissions and click Add.
  4. Click Save.

Create an integration record for the Sequin application

Next, you’ll need to create an integration record for Sequin:

  1. Go to Setup > Integration > New.
  2. Name the application “Sequin.”
  3. Select “Enabled” in the State field.
  4. Under the Authentication tab, check the necessary OAuth 2.0 options (Authorization Code Grant, Client Credentials Grant, etc.).
  5. For the redirect URI, use
  6. Click Save.

With OAuth 2.0 setup on your NetSuite instance, you’ll now be able to connect Sequin to your NetSuite account. Over on Sequin, add NetSuite as a source and follow the setup flow.

The syncing process

We first backfill your database with all your NetSuite data. The duration of the backfill depends on the size of your NetSuite account. NetSuite accounts with millions of records can take a couple hours to complete. Smaller accounts are typically completed in just a few minutes. We’ll email you when your backfill is complete and Sequin has loaded all your data into your database.

After the initial backfill, Sequin will monitor NetSuite for changes. Changes are detected within seconds of occurring on NetSuite.

Learn more about our syncing process.

Read and write NetSuite data using SQL

You’ll connect to your database via Sequin’s Postgres Proxy, which lets you read from your synced tables as well as write to them. You can use any SQL client that works with Postgres.

Here’s an example of what your NetSuite tables might look like in your database:

db7nea89oah3tas=> \dt

                   List of relations
 Schema |           Name            | Type  |  Owner
 public | _sync_cdc                 | table | sequin
 public | customer                  | table | sequin
 public | employee                  | table | sequin
 public | sales_order               | table | sequin
 public | item_fulfillment          | table | sequin
 public | invoice                   | table | sequin
(6 rows)

You’ll see all the NetSuite objects you selected when setting up your sync are now tables in your database. You’ll also see a _sync_cdc table which Sequin uses to manage your sync.

Here’s what it looks like to query the customer table:

    entity_id = 'duke-leto|123456';

Which returns a row that looks like:

-[ RECORD 1 ]----+--------------------------------
entity_id        | duke-leto|123456
company_name     | House Atreides
email            |
phone            | +199923456789
date_created     | 2023-11-10T08:00:00.000Z
last_order_date  | 2023-11-10T09:30:00.000Z
sales_rep        | Jessica Atreides
balance          | 50000.00
credit_limit     | 100000.00

Writing back to NetSuite is as simple as writing a SQL query. For example, you can update a customer’s credit limit like this:

update customer
set credit_limit = 150000.00
where entity_id = 'duke-leto|123456';

Sequin will write this change to both NetSuite and your database at the same time.

If a write to NetSuite fails, Sequin will roll back the write to your database. For example, if you try to update a customer’s balance to an invalid amount, you’ll receive a Postgres error:

update customer
set balance = 'invalid-amount'
where entity_id = 'duke-leto|123456';

ERROR: [NetSuite] invalid input syntax for type numeric: "invalid-amount"

Next steps

Your NetSuite tables are now available as fully readable and writeable tables in your database. You can query for all your data using SQL, and mutate data thanks to Sequin’s Postgres Proxy. To build on this foundation, here are some next steps:

  • Setup your ORM to work with your synced tables.
  • Edit the NetSuite objects and properties you’re syncing at any time.
  • Create views on your NetSuite data to tailor your schema to your needs.
  • Invite your team to your Sequin account and start building!

If you need assistance setting up your sync, just send us a note. We’re around and eager to help.