
Consuming records from Sequin’s consumer involves three steps:

  1. Pull messages from the consumer
  2. Process the record in each message
  3. Acknowledge the messages

It is important to successfully process messages before acknowledging them.


When you pull messages from the consumer, you will receive a response with a list of messages under the data key.


Each message in the data list has a record (for processing) and an ack_token (for acknowledging the message).

The info is useful to determine if there are more messages to pull.


Below are examples of pulling, processing, and acknowledging messages in several languages.


Import dependencies, define constants, and define the entrypoint.

const axios = require('axios');

const API_TOKEN = 'api-token';

// Rest of code goes here
// ...

if (process.argv.length != 3) {
  console.error('Usage: node consume.js <consumer_id>');

const consumerId = process.argv[2];


The run function is the entrypoint for the consumer. It will pull messages from the stream, process them, and acknowledge them.

If there are more messages you will immediately pull more. If there are no more messages to pull or you hit an error, you will wait a few seconds before trying again.

Pulling and acking messages

Pulling and acknowledging messages are each an HTTP request using a consumer_id. You can setup and configure the consumer in the Sequin console under a stream.

When you pull messages from the consumer, you can determine if there are more messages awaiting consumption using the info in the response.

Next steps

Once you are consuming records, you need to process them. Some common use cases include: